The Waikato Diocesan Parents' Association’s main aim is to foster and promote parent involvement so that we are a link between parents and our school. In doing so, we hope to build a robust, welcoming community.
We do this by supporting school events and organising opportunities for parents to meet and socialise. Although we primarily focus on ‘friend’ raising, we are sometimes tasked with raising funds. This is typically done in smaller subcommittees.
Some of the activities we are involved with include:
Host the Year 9 parent Mix and Mingle on the Cherrington Lawn event
Provide refreshments at parent-teacher interviews
Hosting refreshment tables at the annual Dio Open Day
Providing funding for the Dio Teacher’s wishlist
Serving tea and coffee before school Chapel Services
Our famous biannual Golf Tournament
The Parents' Association meets once or twice a term (depending on need). Everyone is welcome at these meetings; we love seeing new faces. We are a friendly group - and meetings are very social. They are also a great way to learn more about our school and what is happening. However, if meetings aren’t your thing, there are other ways to be involved and contribute:
You can join our email database. This will keep you updated on what the Association is doing and how you can be involved.
Read our updates in the DioNews
Support our fundraisers
Volunteer your time for a specific event, such as the Dio Open Day
The Parents' Association is supported by the school's leadership team, with the Principal, Mary Curran and Associate Principal, Sonja Maree, attending our meetings. We are also fortunate to have staff, student and board representatives. A Parents' Association member is also co-opted onto the Proprietor's Board to help provide a parent voice and connection.
The Parents' Association is only as good as we, the parents, make it. Everyone is welcome, and we love having new people, ideas and input. We look forward to seeing you soon.
The Dio School Association is a friendly group open to any Dio parent/caregiver. We warmly welcome all newcomers and their ideas. Please check the school calendar for meeting dates and times.

Contact the Parents' Association
Parents' Association Executive
Co-Chairpersons - Anna Sinclair
Treasurer -
Secretary - Megan Beveridge
School Board Representative - Vanessa Parker
Proprietor's Board Representative - Anna Sinclair
Staff Representative - Faith Tauhuhi (Koka) Student Representatives - Jesimae Strawbridge, Louise Whitaker, Freya Beere, Rachel Bryant
To view the School Association minutes, please click here.
To view the School Association rules, please click here.