Find meaning - Kimihia te tikanga
Make a Difference - Hanga he rereketanga
Welcome - Naumai haere mai
Welcome to chaplaincy at Dio.
On this page, you can learn about chaplaincy and connect with the Chaplain.
The Reverend Stephen Black
BA (English Literature, Canterbury), BA (Hons, Victoria),
BTheol (Biblical Studies, Otago), PGDipFBL&M (Otago)
The full-time chaplain is the Reverend Stephen Black. He is married with two teenage boys and has lived in Waikato since 2015. Stephen has a publishing, IT, project management and adult education background. He was ordained in 2010 and most recently worked as the Ministry Educator for the Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki. Stephen loves to learn and teach, is passionate about meaning, and wants to make a difference (ideally, a positive difference).
You can find him in the Chapel office via email or on the phone.
07 855 2038.
Chaplaincy in Context
When Bishop Cherrington opened WDSG in 1928, he envisaged the school as a place of “ripe scholarship, never ceasing prayer, the courage that comes from sincere conviction, undaunted hope and undying faith.” In 1983 the integration agreement added: “The school aims at the development of the whole person, culturally, spiritually, physically … by the inculcation of Christian values and discipline.” Over the past 90 years, ordained Anglican chaplains (and their bishops) have played an important role in trying to achieve these aspirations. This has often been expressed through worship, pastoral care, and religious instruction.
Chaplaincy - finding meaning and making a difference
As a chaplain, I prioritise serving and building a Christian community. At the heart of such a community is relationships. These develop when we share our lives and participate in one another’s success and failure, grief and joy. In this shared life, we seek meaning and try to make a difference.
As someone who tries to follow the Way of Jesus Christ, I believe that our meaning is built on our creation in the image of God. This theological bottom line reminds us that every single human has intrinsic value and is unconditionally loved by God. This drives my desire to make a difference - to help usher in the Kingdom of God. Practically speaking, that could mean anything from discussing the merits of choux pastry over salted caramel brownie to processing the loss of a loved one. It is all a privilege.
Yes, but what does a Chaplain do?
Each day I pray: for the world, our community, and myself. Then I do what I can to teach, engage people in worship, offer pastoral care, contribute to the Senior Leadership Team, and generally champion our special character.
Pastoral Care
The word ‘chaplain’ references the cloak of St Martin who was a soldier in the Roman army stationed in Gaul (4thC). On his way to Amiens one day - and in the middle of winter - he encountered a freezing beggar. Martin was so moved with compassion that he cut his cloak in half and gave it to the man. That night he dreamed that the beggar was Jesus. The gift of the cloak (capella → chaplain) reminds us of Jesus’ words, “I was naked and you clothed me” (Mt 25.36). A chaplain, then, is someone who offers compassion and shelter to those in need. This is the foundation of pastoral care.
Nowadays, we talk about spiritual, social and emotional support. Although they are related, pastoral care differs from counselling and therapy and is still completely confidential. It offers a space for questions; for hearing yourself think aloud; for testing ideas; for grieving, and for celebrating.
To find out more, come and see me in the chapel office.
My primary contribution to teaching is in the Religious Education Department. However, I am keen to be involved in all classes so please invite me. I am happy to drop into any class or gathering to talk with the students about what they are doing or contribute directly to teaching and discussions. Just let me know.
Kia tau te rangimarie o te Atua ki a koutou.
May the peace of God settle on you all.
Nga Pononga Service Portal
Nga Pononga are servants who embrace the opportunity to give their time to others. They willingly commit to causes they believe in and help to make a difference in the lives of those in need. This reflects our special character as an Anglican School and enables us to live out the example of Jesus, who came among us as one who serves.
In this portal, you will find opportunities to serve and a way to record your efforts that will see you recognised for your mahi.
Kia Kaha. Kia Maia. Kia Pukumahi.
Be Strong. Be Ready. Be Diligent.
The primary worship service happens on a Monday afternoon. In addition, there are House Services, Boarders’ Chapel Services, special services (Easter, ANZAC, Christmas Carols, Leavers’ Services, Founders’ Day, etc), Wednesday morning Eucharist and so on.
You are all welcome to attend (and/or watch the recordings as they become available).
Weekly Schedule:
- Monday
Chapel 1.50pm
- Wednesday Morning
Eucharist (Lady Chapel, 7.45am)
- Thursday Lunchtime
Prayers for Peace (Lady Chapel)