Students in their senior years at Dio are supported in developing their ability to self-manage their life and learning to enable them to successfully transition from school to further learning and work. Making decisions about subject choices and future pathways requires them to know themselves, explore the options available to them and make a career pathway decision based on the best fit for them.
All senior students receive a comprehensive course in career development. Each year level has twenty hours of career education classes where students learn more about themselves, for example, their interests, personal qualities, strengths and work values. They explore options available to them based on this information and make plans to successfully transition from school.
The Careers Office is located near the school lecture theatre. Students can see a career advisor during school hours by appointment for longer sessions, or by dropping by the office for an informal chat. This is an opportunity to discuss future pathways, look at subject selection options, explore tertiary study/work options or to get help with writing scholarship or job applications. A comprehensive range of university course booklets, polytechnic prospectuses and other publications containing information about courses at a range of educational institutions are available outside the office.
University and polytechnic liaison officers visit the school on several occasions throughout the year to give general course advice and students are encouraged to attend their open days, careers events and information evenings.
Dio now has a dedicated Career website enabling both students and parents can keep up to date with the latest career news and events that are happening in the Waikato and around New Zealand. All senior students are subscribed to the site which enables them to receive a weekly newsletter containing all the latest news and events posted that week. Parents are encouraged to subscribe as well to keep them up to date with career news they can then discuss with their daughters.